Smack dat: Basketball edition

The floor slap. Hated by many, loved by Duke fans. Its origins stem back to the 1980s, when coach Mike Krzyzewski demanded his team to slap the floor in a show of defensive intensity. The trend stuck and the team began to use it in game situations when they needed a big stop. Oft-referred to as a “psychological advantage” by Duke players, its use was revolutionized when in 1986, four Duke players slapped the floor at the same time. Coach K even got into it last season in a game against Toledo, where he slapped the floor so hard he broke his watch.


With that brief history behind us, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The floor slap is obnoxious. It’s cocky. It says, “I’m so capable of defending you, I’m gonna take a couple of seconds to slap the floor like a disgruntled gorilla.” It goes against all sports adages ever because it relies on telling before showing.

In saying that, when floor slaps elicit a stop, they’re immensely satisfying. On the other side of things however…a floor slap that results in a mistake is humiliating. Slapping the floor puts a target on your back. Just 2 seasons ago, Miami taunted a #1 ranked Duke with the floor slap as they upset them.

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I still get chills. It was that cold-hearted.

Bringing the floor slap back to the forefront of the basketball conscience this weekend was Ja’sean Tate of Ohio State. He slapped the floor while guarding Tai Webster of Nebraska. Webster took that opportunity to blow past him for a layup,


One is never enough


resulting in this tweet:Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 4.12.34 PM.png

…not quite Ja’sean.


Now, floor slapping is cool and all but I wanted to be inclusive, so I’ve put together the best gifs of basketball players slapping all things, including floors. Other victims include Marc Gasol, referees, and a lot of butts. Here we go.


#1: The two-hander

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Chris Paul pays homage to a higher power and simultaneously continues to prove that he does not like Marc Gasol.


#2: The respectful tush touch


Sometimes you just have to give a little recognition even if they don’t acknowledge it. This is funnier if you imagine yourself as Steph and Kobe as your drunk s/o.

#3: So nice had to touch it twice (three times? four?)


So many things to talk about here. A) 33 doesn’t just grab Noel’s butt. Oh no. He pats it, comes back for a little squeeze, and then tops it off with a lower back stroke. An impressive array of touches. B) Initially all my attention was on 33, but 22 gets a hand in there too, making it a triple tap. C) Noel shows that he’s a strong independent power forward who can smack his own butt too. Way to put yourself first Nerlens.

#4: Fan appreciation (Part 1)ramon sessions.gif

Ramon Sessions got to second base with an incognito Santa Claus.

#5: Fan appreciation (Part 2)


A very enthusiastic Bulls fan gives Joakim Noah a passionate butt slap followed by quick chest touch.

#6: Let’s get horizontal

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Devin Harris gets real up close and personal for his floor slap. This is what a toe sprain looks like.

#7: Slip n’ Slap


Ginobli slides into the lane (and your DMs) with a delicate caress of Durant’s cheek. Not sure what’s softer, the slap or the flop.



Everyone’s reaction to dealing with Birdman.

#9: I said NO CAMERAS

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At first glance, it appears there’s no slapping going on…


but upon further examination you can witness Tony Allen not loving his close-up. Make no mistake, inanimate objects get it just as bad.

#1o: Slap of victory


It’s a love tap.

#11: The Drive-by


Lance Stephenson demolishing Norris Cole with a devastating slap worthy of the WWE.

#12: The innovator


Marc Gasol being a pioneer in his field and slapping his own butt. Who needs teammates?






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